Sunday, September 28, 2008

Free Topic...What happened Clemson?

I decided for my free topic I am going to write about the game yesterday and just rant and get my frustration out. I have no clue what happened in the second half. We had a great first half with 17 points and really should have been 21 because I think we should have scored on our first drive the way we moved the ball up the field, but we couldn't finish and had to settle for a field goal. Then Davis and Spiller had an amazing 1st half with statistics that running backs usually have for the entire game with about 100 rushing yards and 1 touchdown each. Then we came out in the second half and just lost all our momentum. The three turnovers really killed us and some questionable calls were also made. Spiller's second touchdown was called back for a questionable holding call I really agree. And then there was the most horrible spot we got on the fourth down call. Anyway we should not been in that predicament trying to rush down the field to score or tie the game up. WE should have been in control the second half we the lead and finished out the game like we played in the 1st half. But we can change what happen so hopefully the team won't let this loss get them down and we come back strong against Wake and finish out the season so we can make it to the ACC game which we have the team to get us there.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Reality of Cover Letters

The biggest thing that shocked me was that the cover letter was not the first thing looked at when you send it and your resume. I always thought a good cover letter is what got the potential employers attention to even take the time to look over your resume, but come to find out that's not necessarily true. The truth is if your resume gets their attention then they take the time to look over your cover letter. This is where your cover letter comes into importance. You want your cover letter to be direct and to the point telling your potential employer the particular reason you are interested in working for their company. The checklist is also a very good thing to have from that website. It helps you make sure you have everything you should for your cover letter. And remember to always follow up to you cover letter and resume. Another point people don’t always remember to do.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Response to interview articles

The first article I read was the article about answering the toughest interview questions. I chose that article because I think that would have to be my weak part in the interview process. Like the main question that always gets me is where do I see myself in 5-10 years. I have an idea but I always forget what I planned to say or it just doesn't come out right. The article suggested not to get to personal which I do sometimes, but to just give a few goals that you are working toward and how you are going to work to try an achieve them. So I think this will help me later on in interviews so I don't ramble on about my personal stuff and instead focus on my goals so they know I have things set out I am wanting to accomplish.

The second article I read was about qhat questions to ask the interviewer. I always get stumped her in the interview when they ask me if I have any questions. I usually have one or two, but sometimes I do not have any at all and they look surprised that I do not have any questions. The article says you need to ask questions which I know because it makes you look more interested i nthe company, but I just can't think of anything I can ask. The article gave great examples of different questions to ask different people in the hiring process such as the recruiter, the hiring manager, and the executive. I went ahead and printed this article out to save so I can look back to see what questions will be appropriate to ask to different people for my future interviews.